Tuesday, August 11, 2009

...I wasn't sure and I was asking them if I loved them.

All right, all right, .... as far as I know I'll be here on Tuesday nights from here on. I can't believe I missed all but two weeks since school got out. As far as I'm concerned summer is over. I'm driving the bus for the ATL Baseball trip this weekend and have to be at school the next day, so.... it's gone.

I walked out of the house yesterday and about choked. It was hot. Like an oven hot. Like, I don't want to be here hot. Being gone most of the summer spoiled me.
It was warm tonight, too. Hardly any breeze at the first stop and none at the second.
I really enjoyed being back. We had a lot of help tonight. I know I will forget some girls names. Sorry.

We went country tonight.
Tomato sandwiches
Watermelon, cantaloupe, and orange slices
Sweet Tea/ water

My dad loved a Tomato sandwich. He would slice the tomato as thick as a burger, then smear mayonnaise on it and hit it with pepper until the whole thing was black. At the time, I thought he was nuts. As I've grown older and like tomatoes more than just in spaghetti sauce and hamburgers, I've gotten to where I can eat a Tomato sandwich every once in a while.
We went through a bunch tonight. Everybody got at least 2, and some came back for more.

We seen a flip flop in the stops lately. Big #'s at the first and less #'s at the second. Have no idea why. We'll see if it continues.

We're getting ready to say goodbye to a couple of longtime regulars because of college.
Josh Armstrong leaves for State this weekend.
Chris Armstrong leaves the following week for Chapel Hill.
Ryan Carr leaves soon for App State.
This won't be easy. These are three I've come to depend on. I can tell them something and it gets done.
Ryan has been helping almost since the very beginning.
Chris did his Sr. project on Homelessness, organized a clothing drive for our guys and completely planned and implemented a meal one night.
Josh was always great for bringing 2 or 3 friends to help.
You'd have trouble finding 3 guys better than these.

But, J. Boggs and Christian Davis have really stepped up lately. I'll be counting on them pretty heavy this year and I think they'll do great. I imagine I will probably be saying nice things about them this time next year, too.

We just got back from Guatemala and one of the things we do over there each year is a food distribution. A local church goes into a village and passes out tickets to families and persons in need. They're told when we'll be there and they bring their ticket which lets them in to receive a large bag of food. The missionary says it is roughly a month's supply for the people. It's basic food staples - rice, flour, salt, noodles, soup packets, oil, etc.
It's my favorite part of the trip. It's mostly little old ladies and mothers with 4 or 5 kids. I like to work the front of the line and pass out the bags they put stuff in because I get to interact with them while they're waiting to come in. I try to say "Dios ben dega" to each of them, which is "God bless you". I'm sure I butchered it, but I hope they could tell from my tone what I meant. Lots of them said it back to me, along with other things that I couldn't translate but it always sounded grateful.

Speaking of which.....apparently the phrase for "Your name is.....?" is very similar to the phrase for "I love you" in Spanish. Or at least the way I try to say it, it is. That's why I was I was informed after going around the work site thinking I had been asking all the locals their names and not getting any answers, that I had actually told everyone there I loved them.

Which is cool, except because I was asking them to finish my statement with their name, it came out "I love you.....?" which made it sound as if.....

* See Her Face-Can't Remember

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