Tuesday, February 12, 2008

4 years later.....

I probably should've been doing this all along but I never got around to it. Not that it wasn't important, I just didn't. As time goes on, though, I've become convicted that what we do on Tuesday nights needs to be documented and told. Here it goes....

For the past 4 years there's been a ministry that meets on Tuesday nights to cook and feed people. Mostly feeding Homeless people, but we don't really ask and it wouldn't matter. It was originally me and four 10th grade guys passing out Hot chocolate on Market Street. Which, now that I look at it, is a much cooler title than Tuesday Nights( Hot Chocolate on Market Street...oh well...) The details of how it began is a story for another time and I'll get to it in another post, just give me a little time to get this rolling. It has become something altogether unlike anything else I've ever been a part of.

There's a core group of adults and youth that has grown slowly but providentially over time. We have an constantly changing group of folks who come in and help as schedules allow, as interests get piqued and as the Spirit leads. (Part of what I'd like to do over time is introduce you to some of the core group that put up with me every week and are vital and indispensable partners in this.) Different mid-week youth Bible studies pick a Tuesday and help. Varied community groups have given money...school clubs have come and volunteered .... People I had never met before in my life have showed up out of the blue and now come every single week. We even have a Sunday School class that collects money every week from its members to help us.

And it all happens because God is in it. Because God is good and he provides. Because God blesses every sandwich and every scoop of whatever it is we're slinging that night. How else do you explain 6,000 lbs. of Pork? Strangers putting crazy amounts of money in my hand? Somebody named Twig?

I'm writing this on Tuesday afternoon before we start for the night. My intent from now on is to post after we finish on Tuesdays to let you know stuff- what we served, who was there, what might have occured (because miraculous and wonderful things occur on Tuesday nights) and to give God glory and praise for what he enabled us to do to help others see and feel His Kingdom.

I'm also writing this now to invite anyone reading this to come be a part of it.
No skills needed, no requirements, no long term contracts or obligations.

Because it's not a Tuesday night club...It's a Tuesday night ministry.

And we can always use more ministers. g

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