Monday, February 25, 2008

I got nothing,

Been trying to think of something to cook tomorrow night and coming up with nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Got options. We're pretty much wide open, but as of yet nothing has grabbed me and said "Ta Da!" (And believe it or not, that does happen. I remember the first time we thought about pancakes for Tuesday night. I heard a big honkin' "Ta Da!" Same thing for Baked potatoes-"Ta Da!" ) I guess that 's what I'm hoping for now

They're calling for rain tomorrow. Lots of it. Big wind ,too. And that's probably why I'm brain-locked. Been thinking in terms of what we could do and serve in carryout boxes. Cook it and box it up in the kitchen and then just hand it out outside to whoever braves the elements. We've done that before and it works.

We've also totally disregarded the weather forecast and just did what we ususally do . Sometimes we had no rain and other times we got dumped on. When we thought we might get dumped on we set up a couple of those 10x8 e-z up Canopies and crammed under those.

It's a fine line between saying "God, hold off the rain and let us do this so we can get it to the people who need it" or "Everything I see, read and hear says we should go into storm mode and do all this special just in case stuff ".

Basically, FAITH vs. COMMON SENSE.

If it was just me out there, I'd always just go out and do it the same way and let the chips fall ( it's probably more a lack of COMMON SENSE than an abundance of FAITH). Matter of fact, the first 2 years that 's pretty much what we did. And you know what? It never rained on us. Not once. From 7:30 to 9:30, we never got rained out or did anything different. It would be raining all over town, but not on us. Then one of the hurricanes dumped on us and since then, we have had our fair share of nights where we would not have been able to stand outside and serve normally because of rain.

But it's not just me out there anymore. It's upwards of ten to fifteen people, some of them youth, who are going to be affected. So, I'll probably err on the side of caution and prepare for rain. Maybe.

Meanwhile, no revelation for what to serve yet. We've gone through alot of the ol' standby's lately- hot dogs, chili (lots of chili), baked spaghetti, grilled cheese, baked potatoes, etc.

I'd make Hamburger Helper if I had a skillet that big.

I'd do fried chicken if it weren't so big a production.

Barbecue chicken in the oven--that's a thought.

Burritos could work--esp. if we need to do it in carryouts.

My friends would be shocked, but I thought about sometime in the future doing a vegetable plate night--corn, beans, potatoes, cukes and tomatoes, squash, collards, whatever. They'd probably like that.

The cool thing is I'm not worried about it. God provides. Ideawise, foodwise, processwise, whatever. It's for His Glory and for His Kingdom, which means He is in it through and through. So it'll be fine. g

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