Thursday, October 9, 2008

.... "Let's do stuff on Tuesdays 'cause we know Gary can't come" night

Twig was not here this week. He and Jane have gone on a cruise and are going to finish up in Pigeon Forge and get married this weekend. Somebody suggested we pray for them this week but the general consensus was it's too late, she's already said she'd marry him.

Last time Twig wasn't here we made sloppy joes. That's when John Liverman and I were experimenting with throwing everything we could find in there to give it a little kick. It didn't get that way this week until after the food was cooked. More on that later.

One of the great flip flops in life is eating breakfast for dinner. Honestly, i just don't wake up hungry, so breakfast is not a big meal for me and a lot of times I don't eat any, (I know, I know, you're supposed to.....) which is too bad because breakfast foods are great. That makes getting it for supper a real treat. I say all that to let you know that for supper this week we cooked:

Usually when we have Pancakes and Sausage that's pretty much it. This week on the way in to school I went by the church to check on my sausage supply. When I do that, I head toward school on Princess Street, which means I have to go by Parchie's, and If I'm going by Parchie's, well.....I might as well stop and get some breakfast. I got the Grit Bowl Float with bacon, egg, and cheese.

That got me to thinking.
I like grits.
I love cheese grits.
I bet other people love them, too.
Grits are cheap.
A big can of cheese sauce at Sam's is cheap, too.

Plus, you can only have so many people around a grill flipping pancakes and sausage is a pretty passive activity once you put in the oven, but if I had one more thing to cook, I could probably keep everybody busy all night and I'd have one more thing to serve.

You ever made grits?
It ain't hard, but, ...I have delegated it to people before and the results have ranged from soupy to fast acting cement. So it's kind of a "here you go, you're in charge of this and then cross your fingers thing".

Clay Collier, however, knocked it out of the park. The were were just right. By the time we got the cheese in them, man, they were spot on!
And we're talking about 7 gallons of cheese grits.(Two 5 lb. bags)
We had a little more than we could get in our container to take outside, so we had some extra to use as a "taster". Me and Liverman were hitting it pretty hard with the Texas Pete ......and then we found the Parmesan cheese! 2 BIG THUMBS UP! I snuck a little Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce in it too.Very nice.

Alexandra Creeeeeeech-ture Cameron Clay Peyton Chamberlain Anna Pruden Craig Brien John Ellen Michael Stephen Nick Chris Frank Mary Aaron Alan Emory Katherine me were the folks putting it all together.

Mary Dyer and Chris Armstrong were the ramrods that got the pancakes cooked and ready to go- no small accomplishment. A little over 500 pancakes got cooked and we ended the night with about 30 left over.

My friends that needed a preacher weren't there this week, so I'll catch them next week and see if they still need one and we'll go from there.

Quick Hits
Craig still has his goatee.

Mr. Parker wasn't there this week.

Clay suffered for his art this week when some of the grits splashed onto his hand and burned him.

Twig and Jane should be back next week.

God has been very good to us in the ways he has provided for our needs. He has put it on people's hearts to give, he has given people desire to come and serve, and he continually brings us into contact with people who have needs we can meet.

I was looking around at the people who have become a part of Tuesday nights and I noticed that in terms of adults, outside of one or two, most of them are people I met and know mostly through what we do on Tuesdays
That's pretty cool.
Except then I got to wondering if a lot of my old friends were using Tuesdays as ....

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