Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Actually wrote this last week but hit "SAVE" instead of "POST". My bad.

It was so cold last night, if you were outside, you couldn't smell anything.

We brought the folks brave enough to show up and eat with us inside. We had a great meal.

Baked Spaghetti


Garlic Bread


Sweet Tea/HotChocolate


We brought the leftover noodles from the Spaghetti supper Sunday downtown to use last night. There were a lot of noodles for us to take. And they were all in several black trash bags. We got them and brought them into the kitchen in those bags. After we used all the noodles we needed for the meal last night, there were still several bags left to deal with. We managed to get most of it in 2 large buckets and the rest in freezer bags.

Now I just had to find room in the freezers.

After accomplishing that minor miracle, 20 minutes later I looked under the cart and saw 2 more trashbags of noodles. I swear they weren't there before.

Tonight would be the last night Tom Varno would be around. He was in town for the past several months rehabbing a back injury and had been cleared by the Doc to go back to Fla. and resume work. I got the book "Jesus Wants to Save Christians" by Rob Bell and had everybody sign out. We gave it to him at the end of the 1st stop. We will miss him and wish him well.

Twig was sick. Hope he gets better.

Finished late. Gotta run. Going skiing this week with Youth Group.
In Maryland.
First time for that. Let you know how Maryland is for skiing.


* It's an old Star Trek reference. Don't feel bad if you don't get it. gh

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