Tuesday, April 22, 2008

"If you just make the effort, God will bless it."

The weather couldn't have been much better. It was pleasant with a very cool breeze. The fact that it stays lighter longer is good, too.

We wound up serving the fried chicken and green beans at the 1st stop until they were gone then started with the baked spaghetti. We also had fruit and garlic bread at both stops. It was all delicious. Robin Manning and her mom contributed 2 pans of baked spaghetti and about half of the bread, for which we are very thankful. We went through alot of food tonight, which just tells you how good God is. He provides it, one way or another. We're just conduits to get it where it needs to be. We had a very good time of prayer at the 2nd stop, led by Tracy. Tracy and his fiancee Trina have been coming for the past few weeks and have been a blessing.
Both have a real desire and gift to reach the folks we see on Tuesday nights and we're thankful God led them to us.

John (coming back for the 1st time since April 15th passed)
Christy Aley ( she thought she was helping with the BabyFast program and we didn't tell her until she'd done a bunch of stuff for us!)
and Candace
were the ones who made it out to help tonight. All of them did a great job.

I was serious when I said we'd take suggestions and recipes if anybody had any to share. Nobody has spoke up. Oh well.

Anyone reading this is welcome to come and be a part of what happens on Tuesday nights. We can always use help, especially with the summer coming. I'm gone several Tuesdays during the summer, so if you help then, you get the added benefit of not having to put up with me, so ...think about it.

Be praying as the summer approaches because we tend to see larger numbers of people in need. We trust God will provide resources to help us meet the needs of our friends in whatever way he sees fit. In the past he has provided through miracles that came out of nowhere and through everyday normal people and routines. He is good and faithful in his promises to provide.

To quote Don Vigus......

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