Tuesday, May 13, 2008

...they were just glad to see me and my truck leave.

A lot of what I pass on will be second hand because I left 6:45 to play a tennis match. I don't usually play the Tuesday matches but I did tonight because it was an important match and we really needed to win. Twig had it covered and had lots of help. I came back at 9:30 to help clean up, so I missed all the in-between fun stuff. I might miss somebody when I list the names so forgive me if do.
Tonight there was
J. Boggs
Jon Hill
Amy Long and Morgan Long
So, you see, I wasn't missed at all.

God was very good to us this week with the things that He brought our way. It was a week where we didn't buy anything to cook, it was all brought to us, and we had tons of it.
There was: Salad
Chicken Pasta
Chicken Chili
Pizzas (had no idea those were coming!)
Beef-a-roni with meatballs

The numbers of folks we saw tonight was lighter than usual, for no reason we could figure out. Sometimes that just the way it is. The fact that God sent more than we could use at one time just underlines how much He loves us and wants to do for us. More than we could ask. More than we can imagine, out of the overflowing abundance that is his to give.

Candace and Theresa have agreed to be photographers each week. This way I can post pictures and you can see who's who and what they do. As I mentioned in a previous blog, you can do both of those things better if you come join us.

The tennis match? Well for starters it was at Landfall, so when I rolled up to the gate in my truck, the security girl looked at me like "Who starts a landscaping job at 7:00 p.m.? Where are your shovels and rakes?"
When I said "I've got a tennis match", you could tell she wasn't expecting that and looked at me like I was trying to scam my way in.

Then when I get there I realize the tennis shirt I brought to play in is collarless and sleeveless (Mike Abernathy calls me "Magnum, P.I." when I wear it. So I wear it every time now). I don't know if there's a dress code, but it is Landfall, so I err on the side of caution and keep on the shirt I wore to school. Good thing I'd worn a short sleeve polo shirt.

Phil Sutton had to play singles so Mike A. and I went out at #1 doubles. I like playing with Mike. He loves nothing more than to take balls at the net and hit them down and over the fence, off the court. He does it alot, too. That's a good thing.
One of the guys we played had the biggest, wildest looking racket bag I'd ever seen. it was a Wilson, but it looked like the gas tank off the biggest Harley-Davidson you can imagine. It looked like he rode it to the match.
Both of our opponents were named Jeff, which takes alot of pressure of us, because we don't have to worry about keeping names straight. "Nice shot, Jeff" regardless of who hit it.

We played on soft courts, which I prefer. You can tee off on the ball a little more. We won our match 6-4,6-4 and our team won 3-2.

We play our home matches at Empie Park, which is like qualifying for free lunch at school. We ain't got nowhere else. We're not racquet club guys. So it feels good to go into a place like Landfall and win the match. I wanted to stop at the gate on the way out and tell the security girl I won my match, but she didn't come out. I think ....

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