Friday, May 23, 2008

This week's List?

Just realized I had not put one out. My bad.

This is one is literary, so I already have an idea some of you folks that won't be posting.
Here goes:

2 or 3 books that you would like to see made into movies ( or re-made into good movies, if the ones that have been made were not to your liking)

Mine? The Mad Scientists Club - a book I read as a kid about other kids with a neighborhood club having cool adventures. This movie would drink The Goonies milkshake!

Any of the Jack Reacher novels by Lee Child - Jack Reacher is The Man. Straight up like 12 o'clock. (Killing Floor, Die Trying, Persuader, Bad Luck and Big Trouble and others)

Go, Dog,Go by P.D. Eastman - I love that book


  1. 1. Another Nicholas Sparks book: either Nights in Rodanth or The Guardian

    2. Oh, the places you'll go by Dr. Suess

  2. 1. "Enders game" by Orson Scott Card

    2. "Blindness" by Jose Saramago

    3. "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever" by Stephen R. Donaldson

  3. Ender's game. Excellent.
    never heard of Blindness, Looking it up after this.

    Just for the record- Did you know Orson Scott card is a devout Mormon and lives in the Piedmont?


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