Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2/17/09 Kelly Leger is introduced to Chili and Rice, and nearly freezes to death

Didn't post last week. My bad. Had to get out of Dodge quick last week when we finished and didn't put anything up after that. Last week went good. It was a little weird because we did Cheeseburgers and that usually means we'll have no leftovers at all. They love cheeseburgers. We cooked 160 and figured we'd need to watch them close to have enough for everybody to have two. Usually we start out giving them two but this week we figured we'd do one and let them come back for their second. Well, for whatever reason- first of the month, full moon, weather, - it was a light turnout at both stops. I'll bet we had 60 burgers left over.
Just goes to show, every time I think I know what I'm doing.....

Had a ton of people last week. I could probably list them but....they know who they were....

Tonight was easy. We had a chili supper on Sunday and we always reap the benefits of that. we probably got 10 gallons of chili given to us after that, so we set up fine for tonight. We warmed that up and made grilled cheese quesadillas, warmed up the cheeseburgers we saved from last week and threw more sweets at them than they knew what to do with.

me are the ones that made it happen tonight.

It was cold tonight. It was so cold, I wound up putting on a sweatshirt at the second stop. Some of our crowd looked lie they were going to hit the slopes. We had some serious gear at work. Kelly had on her Gotta Go To Russia coat.

Has anyone else ever heard that sitting on cold concrete will give you hemorrhoids ?
I've always been told that by old people. Someone sat down beside me tonight on a concrete ledge. I was sitting on a folded up blanket and I told them they needed to be careful because cold concrete blah blah blah hemorrhoids and they looked at me like I was crazy. Several people looked at me like that. But it's what I was always told. Matter of fact, the first time I heard it, the old guy said it would give you "the piles". I had no idea what he was talking about for a while until someone explained that "the piles" was slang for hemorrhoids.


Sometimes I open the fridge here at the church and someone will have left something for us to use without telling us. So I never really get too surprised at what I see in there . Today I saw two good-sized pans of rice. Cool. That's good with chili. Put some rice in the bowl, cover it with chili....voila!!
When I was growing up, and we had chili suppers at church, that's the way it was served...Chili and Rice and the chili always had beans in it.

So tonight I set the pans of rice out and Kelly Leger says what's that? I said rice. She said what are you gonna do with that. I said serve it with the chili. She goes rice with chili? I thought she was kidding.
She wasn't. It was a foreign concept to her. It was like I'd said I was going to put barbecue sauce on jell-o. I still think she thinks we made it up and were the first ones to ever do it. That became the running joke all night. The answer to everything was "rice" or "put rice on it".

I don't get jealous or admit to being jealous very often but I was tonight.
Tom Varno came in with something wrapped in foil and said "Here. I made a Bacon Explosion. Try this."

Ok. If you don't know what a bacon explosion is go and Google it or Youtube it because I'm not gonna do it justice. What you do is take 10 strips of bacon and make a 5x5 weave so when it's done you have 5 strips wove one way and 5 strips wove the other way. It should look like a mat. Then take bulk Italian sausage and lay it on top and cover your bacon mat. Take and layer cooked bacon sprinkles on top of that. Roll up the sausage and cooked bacon to one side of the mat. then start at that side of the mat and roll up the the tube of sausage and bacon in the bacon mat. Put Barbecue sauce on it and grill it or bake it for about 2 and 1/2 hours. Slice it and enjoy.

I was so jealous. I been wanting to make one and Tom beat me to it. Plus it was good as all get-out. On top of that, my last attempt at cooking something cool was The SUPERBOWLPARTY TURDUCKEN which was a spectacular flop! I felt like the kitchen equivalent of an ugly step-sister.

For about two seconds. Because then we started eating the Bacon Explosion. Bacon and sausage wrapped in Bacon? Shoot, can't feel bad about yourself if you're eating that!
Check it out.
I'm gonna make me one but I think I'm gonna add some cheese and Garlic Texas Pete.

All right, I'm gone. Love , Peace and Chicken grease.


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