Tuesday, November 4, 2008

...our old Tuesday Night buddy Jim Morgan, that's who!

Lemon Pepper Chicken
Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Sweet Tea/Water
That was the menu Chris Armstrong planned and cooked tonight for his Senior Project. He was responsible for getting it lined up and putting it all together. the only thing I did for this week was take some chicken out of the freezer today to thaw out. I stayed out of his way as much as I could and let him be the Ramrod in the kitchen, also. Twig got there late tonight so he really was in charge while I went to get the tables.
It rained tonight so we ate inside in Fireside Hall for our first stop. that's always an unexpected little event for our folks and it makes it feel more special, like it's a holiday. It's different to see our crowd sitting around tables. We're so used to being outside and hearing traffic and sirens.
I sent Chris upstairs around 8:20 and asked him to make the decision on how we would serve at the 2nd stop. Our options were: 1. business as usual or 2. make up carryout trays and hand them out. It was still raining so he made the call to make carryout trays and pass them out that way.
So that's how it went down. There's a element of fun to doing it that way because you assembly line it and everybody has a job and you get to cut up a little. At least I do.
Lemon Pepper Chicken (and any kind of baked chicken, for that matter) is one of those meals where the taste and the work needed to prepare are proportionally way off. I mean, you just put it on a pan, sprinkle the lemon pepper on it and put it in the oven. Take it out and eat it.
But man is it way, way, good!
The ones who would back me on this because they were here tonight are
Morgan Anna Brien Chris Dave J. Boggs Kit Michael Alan Mary Anna Tolan Laura Dan & Donna Armstrong Ryan me
Twig Sprig
I think I mentioned before about doing something other than a traditional Turkey meal when the Tuesday before Thanksgiving rolls around. I asked for suggestions and to date have received a grand total of zip, zero, nada, squadoosh, big honking nil so far. Thanks for the help.
Teresa wasn't here tonight because of a migraine. Pray that goes away.
Pruden and No-Goatee Craig weren't around tonight.
Several of the middle schoolers weren't around because they got back today from the Middle School campout around 4 p.m. and went home and crashed.
Hope everybody voted responsibly and well informed, to the best of their beliefs and convictions.
Speaking of voting, I was at someone's house last night and they had the 11 o'clock news on. (If you hear me say I saw the news on TV, you can assume I was at someone else's house. I never watch the news on TV unless it' s for a particular thing and even then rarely.) All of sudden they're showing Kay Hagen in town speaking to some Democrats at Whitey's (insert your own joke about that here) and who is sitting right beside her?
The President of the New Hanover County Democratic Party.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting us know you missed us. In your own "mentioning we were not there way."


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