Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Playing Soon at a Church Near You........IRON MAN

So...... I'm watching the NCAA Championship game at the church with some guys from the Mercy House, which is our second stop on Tuesday nights. Part of me was just watching the game, part of me was on "I'm in charge" mode, constantly looking around making sure everybody was all right and part of me was just kind of thinking about the guys and what the rest of their week would be like. 
When we watch the SUPER BOWL with them, the commercials are a big part of it. That's part of the entertainment we expect. But for this game, it's mostly just regular commercials trying to sell stuff. I got to thinking about what these guys thought about the things they were seeing. They don't watch a lot of TV, they don't have much discretionary income, they hadn't watched any of the other games.
Then the IRON MAN 2 trailer came on. 
Some one said What is that?
Somebody else said I don't know. I think it's a movie.

In my head I'm thinking This looks cool. It might be as good as the first one and I've seen it 20 times in the past 2 weeks.
They're seeing it for the first time and wondering what it is.
How far away is my world from theirs?

I ask them Have any of you seen the first IRON MAN movie? 
Nobody had.
The gears start turning. 
I ask them Would you like to see it?
All of them gave some kind of affirmative answer.
I said So if I came by and grabbed y'all on a Sunday afternoon and brought you back here, you'd watch Iron Man with me? 
Everybody said yeah.

Well all right.
Nobody is in the youth room at the church on a Sunday afternoon. My Sunday afternoons are as free as I make them. Couple of gallons of Sweet Tea, some popcorn and it's on like Donkey Kong.  

So I told them we would do it. I'd come grab  them and we'd come back and watch it. 
As they were getting back on the bus a couple of them stopped and mentioned it and asked when and one guy said Don't do it too early cause I don't get back from church until 1:30. I laughed and said Don't worry. The next night as we were feeding, 4 different guys came up and wanted to know when we were gonna do it. They're kinda jazzed about seeing a movie!
One of the guys said he hadn't been to a movie in 15 years. I take them for granted. I see movies all the time. Whenever I want. If somebody wants to go see something I've already seen, I'll go again. I saw two movies at the theater back to back  a couple of weeks ago.
Different worlds.

Looks like we're going to do it this Sunday afternoon. I'll probably see if a couple of the youth want to help.
I'll let you know how it goes.      

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