Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fishers of men this week, Fryers of Fish next week....

I was pretty slack about writing anything since last Tuesday night. The weather was nice, we had midterms at school, we were off for Easter, all the Easter stuff that goes on.....none of which literally kept me from writing, but they didn't encourage it either.

Some time this week I need to sit down and tell the pork story. I'll try.

Thought about having a FISHFRY this week but have decided to wait another week and do a breakfast meal tonight.

There are several things about this to get excited about.
1. It's breakfast for supper!
2. Griddle time!
3. Our friends that we feed love pancakes and sausage. L-O-V-E T-H-E-M!
4. Get to watch kids try to flip pancakes.....
...and the biggest reason-
The Tuesday Night Debut of The Big Metal Pancake Maker!!!!!!!

In the past we've always used a pitcher or ladle or something to pour the pancakes on the griddle. And every time I would say" Man, I wish I could find one of those things I used to see on TV that you poured the mix in and then it would come out the bottom in a perfect circle with no drip or mess."

And I looked for one. All kind of places and never found one.
Then a couple of months ago Twig walked in with this big honkin' metal thing bigger than my head and said it was a pancake maker. So we're gonna bust that thing out tonight and make about 400 pancakes (maybe more if it starts getting good to me).

It's supposed to be around 50 degrees tonight at 8:00. Pancakes and sausage (I think we have a little bacon also) will taste good on a night like tonight. It's also good because it gives lots of people lots of things to do in the kitchen to get it cooked and ready.

I remember when I was a kid, I loved pancakes but would get bored with putting syrup on them, so I would try all kinds of things: powdered sugar, light Karo syrup, bananas, peanut butter,......but my favorite was strawberry preserves. Man alive, I love me some strawberry preserves on pancakes.
( Strawberry preserves are even better on French Toast.)

The only problem with pancakes is they "sit" so heavy on me after I eat them. 2 or 3 and it feels like I've 10. But it's so tempting to eat them. It's a quandary.

Later, taters.



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