Tuesday, March 11, 2008

...a pretty cool way to say God Loves You 165 times

Man! Talk about good! Operation CHEESEBURGER was a big hit. And it's funny,too, because, literally, we used to do it every 3rd week or so and then...we haven't done them in almost a year. When we got to the Mercy House tonight and I was saying "HEY" to everybody and they were lining up to eat, I said We've got cheeseburgers tonight and half of them went "YEAH!" So, it felt good to know they had missed them as much as I had.

We had a light crew tonight but it went great. Twig and Ryan and Ayla cut up potatoes and grilled the hamburgers outside, and me and some others did the inside stuff (cut up onions, tomatoes, warmed the beans, put the potatoes in the oven, got the condiments ready, patted out the hamburger patties, etc.)
Gray Elliot and Tom Hodges did a great job patting out 130 hamburger patties ( 40 preformed- 170 altogether). Ellen, Jennifer and Luann, did all the cutting and chopping, and Theresa went nonstop, helping thaw the last bit of hamburger and washing things as they got used.
The crew for tonight was
Jennifer ( Ellen's friend)

A couple of shout outs:
To Gray for coming out and helping while he was home on Spring Break. Gray was a regular for alot of Tuesdays when he was in high school. It was good to hang out with him and he was a big help.
To Ellen for inviting a friend. One of the best ways we share the Gospel is by simply inviting our friends to come join us in the things we do for the Kingdom.
To Robin Manning for making her special recipe beans for us. They were great and it was super nice of her to do that. She also let me use her hose to put some water in the church truck's radiator 'cuz something is leaking and it was bone dry.
To Amy Long for the brownies
To Everybody that helped tonight . It was fun.

We served out nearly every single hamburger. We had 168 buns and were left with 3. As usual, we saw way more at the second stop. We stood behind the tables and served for a solid 25 minutes. There were only 6 of us serving at the Mercy House ( Luann and her crowd leave after the 1st stop because it's a school night ) and Twig helped us set up and then left. He wasn't feeling good, so he took off. So, everybody was doing at least 2 things behind the table as people were coming down the line. It went like this:
First, Tom was opening buns and then putiing patties on them
Then, Grey was serving potatoes and helping with the patties.
I had ketchup, mustard, tomato, onion, and hot sauce duty,
Ryan had pickle and mayo duty
Theresa was doing beans and napkins and spoons
and Ayla was handling desserts and drinks. It was a thing of beauty!

Pray for Twig that he feels better.
Bryan wasn't here tonight because her throat is bothering her and she didn't want to get sick or get anyone sick. Pray for her.
One of the guys we haven't seen in awhile came up tonight and said he's been clean for 6 months now and gave testimony to what God was doing in him and for him. That was cool. Pray for him and his wife and their living arrangements.

God has been really, really good to us and blessed us in a ton of ways.
(3 tons of ways one time. Tell ya later...) Pray that he continues to do so, with food resources, financial resources, and people resources. And resources that we don't even know about yet, that He's waiting to give us.

You might think I'm goofy to get so excited about Cheeseburgers. You're probably right. But still...passing out 165 cheeseburgers is ......

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