Tuesday, March 25, 2008

....there are better People than me out there.

The Big Metal Pancake Maker worked like a champ! 2 big ol' "click-clicks" and there's a perfect pancake laying on the griddle. We turned and burned with that thing tonight. I wish I could find something like it that would squeeze out sausage patties that well. We try, but alot of times they come out looking like sausage "balls".

You might say"But Gary, you can buy them already formed into patties".

To which I would reply " That's right, and you can buy Pancakes already made and frozen, but that's not how we roll !
(actually it's because bulk sausage is cheaper.)

Tonight was a really good night. Made alot of food and gave away a lot of food. That's pretty much the definition of a good night. We had pancakes and sausage (and some bacon), pie for dessert and we wrapped some slices of cake and some brownies for folks to take with them and eat later.

The crew tonight was :
J. Boggs

It's weird...I just counted and it's 12 people but it never seemed like 12 in the kitchen. You'd think that would be crowded, but it never felt that way. And we needed everybody.
I"m always afraid I'll miss someone when I list the people, but I don't think any of them read this, so if I do, they'll never know.

Actually, I don't know who is reading this. Nobody has left any responses( not even to the TWIG contest. C'mon people!), but the hit counter is inching towards 100 so...somebody's looking at it occasionally.
I do know my college roommate Butch has mentioned things he read on here....so, I got that going for me.

Here's one for the "Better Person Than Me" file-
Someone who I have known a long time and has come down to be with us on Tuesday nights once or twice and made some very nice seasonal contributions to us, found some money in a parking lot the other day. Just found it lying there. After some due diligence and not being able to track down an owner, they realized it was theirs to do with as they wanted.
Here's where the 'Better Person Than Me" part kicks in- Instead of going "woo hoo! free money!" they asked a friend that was with them what they should do with it. The friend is a regular helper with us and said "You could give it to help feed the homeless." So they did. We got it tonight.
Was it an insanely huge amount of money?
It was $61. Which is what makes it a great gesture. You could justify keeping $61. How is $61 gonna make a difference anywhere? It would have been very easy to just stash that in the wallet and not see it as something to give away or try to help somebody with. But they did.
Proverbs 18:16 says "A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers them into the presence of the great". I hope my friend enjoys their time in the presence of the Great and recieves a double blessing.

To be honest with you, I find $61 on the street and it's probably "Sweet. Daddy's getting some Nikes."
It's a good thing.....

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